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Edward J Milan NBQ

AKA Grumpy Jeff

Amateur Photographer

Based in Lincolnshire UK

Member of RB Camera Club


All images processed with  QImageUltimate 

See "Links,Misc" for details of this powerful top class product.  Minor cprrections with PS Elem. 7


Site created on Google Chrome, may display differently on other browsers 

NOTES  & Site updates

January 2018

Image added to Studio


Auvergne Gallery Added


 December 2017

Auvergne Gallery Added.


July 2017

Lake Maggiore Gallery Added.


All galleries reformatted to similar style.


Oct 2016

Corsica Gallery Added

Still under construction


Achenseebahn loco No. 2 'Hermann' at Jenbach

By special request added to Railways Gallery.


July 2016

Three cloud shots added


June 2016

Twinning visit images added


28 03 2016

 Shots of British Library added to Misc 


02 12 2015

 Studio Session 5 Aqua images added 


03 11 2015

Autumn Colours added to Misc

23 10  2015

Site update and format corrections to HTML5


15 10 2015

Soothern Provence * Cote D'Azur Gallery added


27 07 2015

25 Images added to Landscape UK


25 05 2015

Lake Garda Gallery added


15 03 2015 

8 images added to Misc Gallerie


26 11 2014

Last two images in GRJ Gallerie



07 11 2014

Studio Gallery - Sharon 1 added


26 10 2014

Two images added to Landscape UK


25 10 2014

Air Craft Gallery images added


10 07 2014

Cloud  Gallery Added


17 06 2014

Two sea scapes added - Lanscapes European

Three images added - Studio Work


26 05 2014

GRJ Gallery added


23 02 2014

Hodsock Priory Gallery added

uly 2017

Lake Maggiore Gallery Added.


All galleries reformatted to similar style.


Oct 2016

Corsica Gallery Added

Still under construction


Achenseebahn loco No. 2 'Hermann' at Jenbach

By special request added to Railways Gallery.


July 2016

Three cloud shots added


June 2016

Twinning visit images added


28 03 2016

 Shots of British Library added to Misc 


02 12 2015

 Studio Session 5 Aqua images added 


03 11 2015

Autumn Colours added to Misc

23 10  2015

Site update and format corrections to HTML5


15 10 2015

Soothern Provence * Cote D'Azur Gallery added


27 07 2015

25 Images added to Landscape UK


25 05 2015

Lake Garda Gallery added


15 03 2015 

8 images added to Misc Gallerie


26 11 2014

Last two images in GRJ Gallerie



07 11 2014

Studio Gallery - Sharon 1 added


26 10 2014

Two images added to Landscape UK


25 10 2014

Air Craft Gallery images added


10 07 2014

Cloud  Gallery Added


17 06 2014

Two sea scapes added - Lanscapes European

Three images added - Studio Work


26 05 2014

GRJ Gallery added


23 02 2014

Hodsock Priory Gallery added





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